Tensar TX® Geogrids
Tensar TX® Geogrids have successfully re-engineered the geogrid structure by creating a new product specifically designed for trafficked surfaces called Tensar TriAx® Geogrid. With its unique triangular structure, TriAx Geogrid’s multi-directional properties create a new level of in-plane stiffness. The transition to a triangular grid aperture, along with the increase in rib thickness and junction efficiency, offers the construction industry a better alternative to conventional materials.
TENSAR TX130S 13.1’ X 246’ 358.6 SY | GTX130S | Download PDF |
TENSAR TX140 13.1’ X 246’ 358.6 SY | GTX140 | Download PDF |
TENSAR TX5 13.1’ X 246’ 358.6 SY | GTX5 | Download PDF |
TENSAR TX160 13.1’ X 246’ 358.6 SY | GTX160 | Download PDF |
TENSAR TX7 13.1’ X 164’ 239.1 SY | GTX7450 | Download PDF |
TENSAR TX8 13.1’ X 328’ 477.4 SY | GTX84100 | Download PDF |
TENSAR TX190L 13.1’ X 164’ 239.1 SY | GTX19013 | Download PDF |
Biaxial is a term given to geogrids with relatively similar strength properties in both directions, with the length of the roll and across the roll. In soil stabilization applications, biaxial polypropylene geogrids are commonly used to improve the performance of weak subgrades. By distributing dynamic loads over a wider area, pumping and shear failures are minimized, resulting in increased load bearing capacity of the subgrade. Biaxial polypropylene geogrids are also very effective in base reinforcement applications. The openings in the geogrid interact with base materials, confining them and preventing lateral dispersion. The result can be up to a 30% reduction in base course materials. GSI offers a full array of biaxial polypropylene geogrids.
In base reinforcement applications, biaxial polypropylene geogrids prevent lateral dispersion of base materials, improving their structural performance. This can result in up to a 30% reduction in base course materials.

Tensar BX® Geogrids
Tensar BX® Geogrids are created using select grades of polypropylene or co-polymers that resist high, short-term dynamic loads or moderate loads over longer time periods. Their single layer open aperture structures interlock with natural fill materials. Tensar BX1100 and BX1200 Geogrids have slightly higher strength values across the roll. This can be desirable when traffic will travel in the length of the roll direction. Tensar BX4100 Geogrids have similar strength in both directions, making them suitable where traffic is random.
TENSAR BXSQ100 12.9’ X 246’ 352.6 SY | GBXSQ10012 | Download PDF |
TENSAR BX TYPE I F 12.9’ 246’ 352.6 SY | GBX1F13 | Download PDF |
TENSAR BX TYPE 2 F 12.9’ X 235.51 SY | GBX2F13 | Download PDF |
TENSAR BXSQ1515 12.9’ X 246’ 352.6 SY | GBX151512 | Download PDF |
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