Wattles & Logs
In recent years, straw wattles and straw logs have gained popularity as an economical, easy to use and effective method of sediment control. Our straw wattles and straw logs are made of 100% agriculture certified weed free straw fibers, stuffed into tubes of extra heavy duty, UV stabilized netting. When installed on slopes “on contour,” wattles act as sediment filter barriers, reducing surface sheet erosion and capturing sediment. They are available in a variety of lengths, with a finished diameter of about 9″. With their diameters of 12″ and larger, logs are designed to be used, where in the past, one would have used straw/hay bales. Temporary ditch checks and inlet protection are common applications for straw logs.
12in x 20ft STRAW STENLOG | EECBSTEN12 | Download PDF |
12in x 10ft STRAW STENLOG 12in Stenlogs are approved as WI DOT ditch checks |
EECBSTEN1210 | Download PDF |
9in x 25ft STRAW STENLOG | EECBSTEN925 | Download PDF |
30” WOODEN POSTS sold separately | XPOST1430 |
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